Sunday, May 2, 2010

MOE Considering to Lower Chinese Weightage - Feasible?

A review of the weighting given to mother tongue languages in Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) scores have raised concerns among Chinese Singaporeans. Many fear of an erosion of Chinese Language standards among the young. An Education Minister revealed in an interview last week that the 25% weighting given to the Chinese Language could be cut. This could give the younger children, as well as parents, an unhealthy mentality that Chinese is not as important as other core subjects. Does that make the Singapore government have double standards? They want children to have the edge over others by being bilingual and promotes the language, yet on the other hand, they are reducing the percentage of the weighting of Chinese Language in PSLE? By reducing the percentage of Chinese is only solving the issue by giving in to ignorant kids who hate Chinese. In my opinion, the government should continue the promotion of Chinese. Should they give up now, their past efforts will go down the drain. Hence, the government should continue promoting Chinese and in Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. Well firstly, all this talk about "giving the younger children, as well as parents, an unhealthy mentality that Chinese is not as important as other core subjects" has been everywhere, and anyone with any common sense is not likely to allow this to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In addition, given the innate kiasu-ism of Singaporeans and all the talk about China becoming more important globally could likely result in Singaporeans not allowing the standard of Chinese here to drop.
